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Implementing IRNET WP4 – Conclusions
What is IRNET - IRNET research project is a deep reflection about the use of methodologies and technologies and tools for the school of the future.
In collaboration between EU and third country, involving 11 universities and more than 35 researchers.

WP4 Conclusions, presented in e-round table about
Teacher´s skills to teach in the 21st Century
at DLCC 2016 - Silesia University Conference
Teacher´s skills to teach in the 21st Century

More details.

Published topics:

 (videos available about all subjects)

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To be a (blended) b-teacher in the XXI century – some reflections

Opening keynote presented at the Distance learning conference held at Silesia University – Poland, October 2015

Being a teacher in the XXI century is a great challenge and requires great thought.
A big evolution took place happened during the last 70 years. From a room computer (the Mark I in 1943) to tiny pockets computers, thousands of times smaller and thousands of times bigger in performance and capacity.
E-learning 3.0, is based on synchronous interactivity and it was only possible after 2004 due to considerable increase of Internet bandwidth available, evolution in video compression, stream video and sophistication of virtual classrooms platforms.  This was another revolution!
 As a result of this, e-learning evolve to a new form: - b-learning - where students will never be alone and interactivity becomes very important.
B-learning now has a different format: it is from now on asynchronous (contents on demand and activities to be implemented in an interactive format with remote collaborative work) and synchronous in presence or virtual environment.
Today we are living in exponential times in the evolution of new technologies and new methodologies.
About our students: our students are digital learners, they spend many hours in front of TV, using mobile phones or playing video games and asking for distance learning. They are asking for new methods and new techniques to be taught in the school of the future and they certainly expect adjustments to the teacher skills.
According to the fantastic evolution in methods and techniques available the “e” from of e-learning would just disappear, as Rosenberg said in 2001: “in the future it will evolve just to learning”. In the same way (blended) b-learning will not exist anymore, as presence and online learning, but asynchronous and synchronous in presence or online in a virtual classroom.
Today students are different, are asking for new methods and new learning techniques, so they can be more competitive in a global world.

The main challenge remains on the teacher’s shoulders, as to acquiring new skills.

We need a plan “B”.

Teachers need to evolve from teacher to (blended) b-teacher or b-tutor, offering a mixed teaching experience.

Our conclusions are:

We need to use methodologies and technologies, but the question is: what type of tools, methodologies and technologies should we use to be a good teacher?

1.       It is necessary to be an expert in your scientific area;

2.       You should know how to prepare and present contents in presence or video format;

3.       Know how to make tutoring in presence or distance mode;

4.       You should be able to conduct Formative continuous assessment;

5.       You need to Know how to use a LMS;

6.       If working at distance a teacher should know how to use a virtual classroom.

Teachers should also be experts in:

7.       Teaching with new methodologies and ICT tools;

8.       Teaching how to learn;

9.       Teaching  how to manage huge quantities of information.

The final conclusions turn into the question.

Are we teachers prepared to be (blended) “b-teachers” in the school of the future?

To be a teacher in the XXI Century - Opening Keynote at Silesia University, International Education Science Conference 20015, by Prof. António dos Reis
We have prepared several video that we propose to you to see and reflect about them.
You can select subtitles available in the following languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Greek, Turkish and Swedish.

See the 3 following videos
Distance learning conference opening keynote at Silesia University – Poland, October 2015
To be a b- teacher in the XXI Century
by Prof. António dos Reis - The Graal Institute Director


Keynote in DLCC 2015 – Teaching in the XXI century
by Prof. Norbert Pachler - Pro Director of Education Science Institute at University College of London 

To be a teacher in the school of the future an overview
By Theo Huge (PhD) Innsbruck University, Coordinator of the Innsbruck Media Studies research Forum

Proposed reflection:
Made your self-reflection or with your studding group and write your reflections.
Compare the 2 videos from the following aspects:
  1. Complementarity and contradiction between presentations;
  2. Methods of making presentations;
  • The slide show;
  • The narration technics;
  • The none verbal communication technics;
      3. General comments about teaching in the XXI century.

IRNET e round table 01 opening
Silésia University Education Science Conference October 2015 - Poland
IRNET e round table 01 opening introduction to WP4 work in progress

Thinking about Y.O.U. (Your Online Utilities)

It is the crossed methodology to have expert´s comments and reflections about each topic.

Seminar about:
“To be a B-teacher in digital age”
at Lusiada University in Lisbon (2016)
With IRNET research team and international invited experts.

Panels and videos available:

Seminar opening keynote - IRNet project overview - Work Package 4 – work in progress –(39m36)

Presentation of contents live and video on demand (34m28)

LMS and Social Network in education (48m07)

Presence and online tutoring (37m58)


Remote collaborative work and cloud collaboration (32m47)

Formative continues assessment (38m40)

How should we teach in the 21st up till 100 years from now? (42m53)

Public debates can take place at:

Community for the school of the future - English -

Comunidade para a escola do futuro - Português -

Comunidad para la escuela del futuro - Español -

Under request, other communities can be created in differente languages.
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